Thursday, 5 May 2011

Ok another shampoo review, lol.

Another sample I got from chris

The Product : So this time it is Poseidon Wash from Valetpro.

Price Point : £21.00 + VAT for 5L

Blurb :


Our Poseidon's Carnauba Wash is a shampoo of the highest quality. It produces beading after washing even an unwaxed car! It will leave your car with a great shine to it and will also add life to any wax that is on your vehicle already.


This is one of the finest car shampoos on the market. Blended with Carnauba wax, this product will actually leave the paint work beading after a wash even if your car has never seen a wax before. It also adds to the gloss of paint work too. This gives true power in maintaining a car and preserving a new look, protecting the paintwork and other areas that can't be reached, Posiedon's Carnauba Wash also helps protect the car from rust. It also help maintain waxes, sealants and factory applied sealant through regular washing.

This product works great in cold water but is greatly improved with warm water.

50ml of product is all you need to 5L of water. Giving great dilutions and value for money.

Available in 500ml, 1, and 5L

Review cont....

I bought a new hose end when I was in Makro, great for "staging" rain.

I know this states 50ml per 5L, I think that is a little over, I used only 35ml in 5L and found that to be ample as you can see by the layer of shampoo on the bodywork.

I have a way of deciding if I have been using enough solution, I simply pour some from a jug onto the bodywork and I look for something like this, if I don't get it, I would add to it.

I used 35ml per 5L which was ample.

This is a very soft shampoo on wax and even has Carnauba content, I don't know how it sets on clear or how this exactly works but it's in there anyway: if anything it helps the water sheet.

I have included some after pics, the car is now wearing Dodo Supernatural, it is indeed.

I would say this is a very good wash, as soft as Meguiars Shampoo Plus and comes in around the same price, a great soft wash, not as good dilution wise. However, it is still very good.

90% the only thing that holds it back is the suggested dilution ratio.


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